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Modding hub for the Desktop Meadow, delivered to you by the SamHub/ResourceHub project.
Go to the Special Thanks Page to see a list of everyone who has contributed to the meadow

Mod Requests Contributors Comits Discord

View Fonts, Resource Packs, And Sprite Packs Here

Welcome to the redesign

hopefully you should be able to find your way around, use the nav. bar on the left hand side of the page

Join The Discord Support Server Here

What can I add to Meadow Land?

Currently you can submit the following to the meadow:

  • Spritesheets
  • Custom Fonts
  • Received letter background

Please view the Submission Guidelines before creating a pull request , If you do not know how to submit a spritepack then you can ask on the support server and someone will submit it for you

The Creator of the desktop meadow has also kindly asked that you do not decompile the meadow, thanks


Want to know how to make a Resource Pack of your own? Find out how to do that and more on our FAQ page!