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FAQs birb

I want to create my own Resource Pack

It’s great that you are interested in making new themes for this program, thanks! Feel free to share them with the community by sharing them on this site by creating a pull request yourself, or by asking someone else to do it.

Before you start working on a pack for MeadowLand, you’ll be interested in reading the MeadowLand Guidelines, specifically the Resource Pack Guidelines section.

If you want to use the MeadowLand Maker for easier creation, please take a look at How to make a Resource Pack with MLM instead.

  1. Create a folder where we’ll store your pack files

I want to modify the sprites

  1. Get the base PNG by clicking Here
  2. Modify it as you like it (Please bear in mind that the boundries at this time are fixed, it may take some trial and error to figure them out)
  3. Add your new PNG to the folder

I want to change the default green “Mail In” Background

  1. Create a 64 x 90 sized image
  2. Create the design that you want
  3. Add your new background to the folder

At the moment you are unable to change the “Mail out” design

I have this font that I want to use

  1. Get the font that you want to use
  2. Double click on it to open it
  3. Take note of the Font Name
  4. Add the font file to the folder

How do I combine all of this into a pack?

Use the MeadowLand Maker for easier generation! Read how to use it here!

  1. Grab the template Here
  2. Put it into the folder where all the other files are
  3. Change lines 5 - 8 accordingly (only modify the file names not anything outside the “”)
  4. Highlight all the files in the folder
  5. Click on the share tab in file explorer
  6. Click on zip

If you followed these instructions correctly then you should now have a working pack

I have a feature in my wallpaper that I want birds to land on.

Download this python script by Moonaliss1. Running the script will bring up a blank window. Resize this window to where you want the hitbox of the object to be, and when you’re happy with the positioning, right click the window. the window will go invisible. When you want to close it, just locate it on your taskbar and hit the x.

