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How to make a Resource Pack with MLM

  1. Prepare the files (sprites, “Mail In” background, font) as shown in the FAQ.
  2. Download and open MeadowLand Maker. Extract the ZIP file instead of running MLM directly.
  3. Watch this GIF! GIF displaying how to generate a pack

Text instructions for the GIF above:

  1. Click “Make Pack”.
  2. Attach your sprites, “Mail In” background, and your font by clicking the “…” buttons next to the fields.
  3. Type the “Font Name” from the FAQ into the Font Name field. MLM will try automatically getting the Font Name in 1.0.1 and above.
  4. Type your Pack Name into the Pack Name field.
  5. Finally, click the “Generate!” button. MLM will now generate your pack.
  6. A folder will open containing your ZIP file. If something went wrong, MLM should notify you. If you get an error instead, please contact Vukky on the Discord support server.